The ControlLogix system provides discrete, drives, motion, process, and safety control together with communication and state-of-the-art I/O in a small, cost-competitive package. The system is modular, so you can design, build, and modify it efficiently - with significant savings in training and engineering.
You can also use the ControlLogix system as a gateway. Include the communication modules you need for connectivity to other networks. For this use, a controller is not required. The ControlLogix gateway integrates into existing PLC-based systems so that users with existing networks can send or receive messages to or from other networks. For a more flexible system, use: multiple controllers in a single chassis. multiple controllers joined across networks. I/O in multiple platforms that is distributed in many locations and connected over multiple I/O links.
Lay out the system by determining the network configuration and the placement of components in each location. Decide at this time whether each location will have its own controller.
Place each controller¡¯s I/O on an isolated network to maximize the performance and to more easily accommodate future network or system configuration changes. If you plan to share I/O, make sure the I/O is on a network that each controller can access.
Assume that Panel A and Panel B both require a controller and its own I/O. Both controllers interact with time critical information. Panel C does not need a controller and can be a gateway.
For a ControlLogix controller to control I/O modules, both the controller and the I/O modules must be directly attached to the same network.
Evaluate what communication needs to occur between controllers. If there is sporadic information that is not time critical, use a message-based network such as an EtherNet/IP (the information portion), Data Highway Plus, or the unscheduled portion of a ControlNet network. If the information is time critical, such as produced/consumed tags between controllers, use a ControlNet or EtherNet/IP network.
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